Let me just give you a quick reminder that today is the last day for the December specials at Close To My Heart. Be sure to check back tomorrow for January's specials.
- Shooting with the family
- Independence Day
- Visiting Grandpa P's garden
- Family Time
- Sage turns 1
- Tuachan with Dan the Man to watch Daysha
- Dan and I road trip it to visit his mission of 35 years ago in South Dakota
- Daci starts Kindergarten and soccer
- Kori and I can salsa for a week (Kori's in charge of onions! Age has it's advantages!)
- My birthday
- Kori and I continued to can salsa (it is quite a production to can 60 quarts! Kori was still in charge of onions)
- Brookley's birthday
- I held a meeting with my Close To My Heart team that included over 70 attendees!
- Football!
- Pumpkin pickin'
- Football!
- I travel to Minnesota for a meeting with my team
- Dan is put in the Bishopric
- Daysha performs in Thriller
- Utah Deer Hunt (Rick's first deer)
- Halloween

- Team Builders Meeting with CTMH
- Football
- Rick's birthday
- I took family photos for Kori
- Thanksgiving (forgot to take pics!)
December (I'm embarrassed to say that all of my December photos are still on my camera. All I have to share right now are from my phone. Forgive me!)
- Family
- Christmas
- Skyping with our Australian missionary on Christmas Eve
- Tannon's elbow surgery
- Easton's Birthday
We have felt so very blessed in 2014. We are looking forward to another wonderful year. Happy New Year!