2. Happy because my daughter and granddaughter are coming over in a little while. Love 'em both so much!
3. Happy because Dawson has a game today. I'm feeling a win coming on. We need one after last night (see #6 below).
4. Happy because I get to teach a scrapbook class to some of the ladies at church tonight. Gonna be fun!
5. Happy because I had fun making this cool 'heart button' card yesterday and get to share it with you today. I turned the sketch from Card Patterns (#46) this week on it's side and this is what I came up with. Close To My Heart products used: White Daisy Cardstock (1385), Basic Textured Cardstock Combo Pack (X5747), Silhouette Level 2 Paper Pack (X7090B), Spring Craft Buttons (Z1281), Amethyst Accesorries (retired), White Daisy Organdy Ribbon (Z100), Colonial White Waxy Flax (Z1081), Corner Rounder (Z578), Sanding Kit (Z1294). Click here to order from my website 24/7...especially when your heart needs a button!
6. Sad because Tannon and the Lone Peak Knights lost a bitter rivalry game last night in overtime. They are now 10-2. Blech. I hate losing! Apparently so does Tannon (see photo below that was in the newspaper after our first loss). Losing stinketh!

7. Sad because I am having one of those "I don't want to do ANYTHING today" days. If you have any motivation and energy today, please send it my way!
Come to think of it, there is way more happy than sad today, so I think I'll focus on that. Blogs can be cathartic! Another reason to be happy.

Love your card Karen as always :)
I think you have way more to happy than sad about too - just focus on all the good. I think it is the time of year for the blahs. But positive feel good wishes are coming your way!
Have a great day!
Sorry about that for some reason my comment posted twice - I guess I am sending doubly good wishes:)
what a fabulous card! lovin' that button heart! woohoo 12 more days! so sorry about your son's team loss.
Hi Karen,
So glad that your granddaughter can come over today and give you a hug. She will make you feel better. I had the "blues" yesterday so I forced myself to clean out a closet. Not fun at the time, but it sure made me feel better today seeing how clean and organized it is.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful card.
sending you hugs,
Lots of happy's!!!!
ESP your BEAUTIFUL card! Gorgeous.
Super cool card! Have fun with your ladies tonight. Creating space for them to have time with each other is a gift.
Loving the heart full of buttons. Great card!
Sorry about the loss :( it is a bummer that has to be what is called at our house a POL (part of life :) I don't like it either! BUT good news that your missionary will be home soon! yay for your family! And that you get to play with your darling g~daughter :) Cute card! Have a great day! (I have been anti motivated for weeks..but keep on pluggin... :)
I hope that someone is ready with a camera the moment you set you eyes on Easton! Now that is a moment to scrapbook!
Hey GF!
I've got an "L" for you! Ok, so I'm doing a bit of closet cleaning....enjoying purging some old files of papers, etc...well, anyway, I came across a CTMH training video for the ABC Scrapbooking Program. Does this ring a bell??? It features you and Stacy Julian teaching Jeanette's new program! So, for your missing "L", I suggest "Lovely" for the job you and Stacy did so many years ago on that video! I smiled the whole time I watched it today! Thanks for the happy moments! Speaking of motivation....it's been a little sparce around here too. However, I have to say that digging into some organizing projects has breathed new life into me! Oh...and sorry this is such a long post!
First off, cute card! Secondly, just a reminder, that you are one blessed woman! You constantly motivate and encourage others, so I hope you can feel encouraged today!
oooohhhhhhhh that card is SO me! I lurve it! I hope your Daci fix was just the ticket! Kisses my friend!
What a great take on the sketch, love it!
I think the hardest part about being a parent is when life happens to your kids and you can't fix it, make it better or take it away. You just have to let them work through it and know they will be stronger afterwords.
Love your heart of buttons! :)
Sending a little sunshine your way!
Totally cool with that heart full of buttons!
wow, your button card is gorgeous, great take on the sketch.....nicely done...have a blessed weekend!
enjoy *~*
Just LOVE all the buttons on your card Karen. I hear you about having "one of those days". I think it's been one of those weeks for me. LOL
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