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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last Day of December Specials and to Order from Holiday Expressions!

Can you believe that 2015 is ending....TODAY?  It went so quickly, and was filled with lots of good, and a little bit of not-so-good. Maybe your year went along those lines as well? I'm sad to see time pass so quickly, but am excited about a brand new year.

Because this is the last day of December, there are a few things you'll want to know about and take advantage of before it's too late (which it will be at midnight tonight.  Do you feel a little like Cinderella?):

1.  Holiday Expressions:  This mini-catalog (our Holiday Expressions Catalog) ends today at 11:59 pm (MT).  If you want to order from it, head on over to my website.

2.  December "Planners Gonna Plan" special: Today is the last day to get your darling planner bundle for the discounted price of $29.95. Order here.  For more details and matching products, click here.

3.  December Stamp of the Month:  Yours for only $5 ($12.95 savings) with every $50 you order (before shipping and tax).  Order $100 and get 2, and so on.  When ordering on my website, you'll be prompted to add your set(s) before checking out.  This is what the set looks like, and then keep scrolling for a recap of the artwork I created with it and shared here on my blog this month.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Friendship Card and December Specials Reminder

5 1/2" x 4 1/4" card made with the December Stamp of the Month (Candlelight Garden)

We are nearing the end of December. How did that happen? I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  We were fortunate to have all of our kids and their families with us on Christmas Eve and again on Christmas afternoon.  It was heavenly.

The end of December means the end of December specials. I thought I'd quickly remind you what they are.

1.  Planners Gonna Plan:

Attention all planner addicts! During December, you can get your hands on the new planner bundle for only $29.95.  That's over 15% in savings!  It's not too late to get yours.  There are 4 more days to get the bundle at this awesome savings.

Here's what you get in your bundle:
  • Gorgeous Everyday Life™ album - classic black with gold foil floral design (9 3/8" x 8 /14" x 1 1/2")
  • Everyday Life 2016 planner pages (includes 1 pocket folder pager, 12 monthly dividers with tabs, 1 designed page finder, 4 sheets of stickers {which are great for adding to dates and are sized to fit the roller stamp...see below}. All necessary parts are 3 ring hold punched.)
  • The coordinating Everyday Life Perfect Plan roller stamp (includes these 12 words and images:  To Do, Due Date, Shopping List, Memo, Pay Day, Don't Forget, No School, Birthday, Party,Vacation, and a cute row of boxes and a cute row of hearts)

With the new Everyday Life line, you’ll experience “memory keeping on the go” as you track your menus and shopping lists, stamp reminders, keep appointments, and tuck away precious memories—plus much more—all at once! This offer is only available while supplies last, so plan to place your order early in the month and start 2016 off right.

Here are other coordinating items you can also order (complete with links for your convenience):

2.  December Stamp of the Month (Candlelight Garden): This beautiful floral stamp is is perfect for coloring with our Shin Han alcohol markers, painting with our gorgeous watercolors (which is what I did on the card I shared at the top of the post today), or tinting with our softly delicious watercolor pencils.

I created the card you see at the top of this post with the December Stamp of the Month. I love the soft touch of watercolor paints with this set! Don't you?

As always, the Stamp of the Month is only available for a month and is only $5 with every $50 you spend.  Order $100, get 2...and so on. When ordering on my website, you'll be prompted to add your set(s) before checking out.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas from the Pedersens!

Merry Christmas! 2015 has been a year of UPS and DOWNS for our family.  Enjoy the ride (we tried!).  Our family motto for the year came from Joseph B. Wirthlin, who said, "Come what may, and love it!"  There were definitely more UPS than DOWNS, but the DOWNS we had this year were some biggies. We are just SURE that 2016 will be filled with many less downs (at least not as many big ones!).

General Info:  Although Dan experienced a lot of drama and changes this year (you'll read all about that below), my year was pretty much the same. I continued to grow my business with Close To My Heart.  I am currently a Senior Executive Director and enjoy teaching classes and leading my team. I am serving as the Sunday School teacher at church for the 12 and 13 year old youth.  I love it. I got another new calling in May (see below). Dan continues to serve in the Bishopric and makes it his goal to tell as many jokes from the pulpit as he can.

January:  Dan was called into his boss's office in January and was made aware that they were going to be closing his division in the company.  That meant we were back on the job market.  It was something we knew could be happening at some point, but we thought we'd have some warning.  The day they called him (and the others in his division) in was their last day of work. DOWN! The good news is that Dan found another job quickly. By the end of January he had 2 job offers, had chosen the one we felt the best about, and was all prepared to begin work mid-February. UP!  Easton, Daysha and Sage moved to Minnesota (DOWN for Dan and Karen) for 9 months of training for his new and awesome job (UP for Easton and Daysha).  Karen headed to Grand Junction, CO for several days for her business and enjoyed herself there. UP.  Twin grandkids, Livvi and Street turned 3. UP.

February:  We began February with a big UP!  Dan and I traveled to Hawaii and spent a week at Aulani (the Disney resort). I had earned this FREE trip through my company and was excited, after a little bit of an emotional roller coaster in January, to take Dan and enjoy some R and R, with no cost.  We had a wonderful time.  We returned home and Dan began work with his new company, selling water, heating and air. UP! Granddaughter, Daci turned 6.  UP.

March:  Dan continued with his new company and was off to a great start! He set a record for the highest first 6 weeks of sales of any new rep in the history of the company.  Things were going well. UP! Karen headed to Denver, CO to present at a meeting for some her downline there, and to celebrate one of her downline promoting to Director. UP

April: I spent a weekend with Rick and Kori's 3 kids while they had a little getaway before baby #4 arrived about 6 weeks later. It was lots of fun. UP!  We also headed to Cedar City to watch the Southern Utah University Spring Scrimmage.  It was strange not to see Easton out on the field (DOWN), but we really enjoyed watching Tannon do his QB thing. UP!  On April 27, Dan came home from work and hobbled into the house. He had hurt his back so badly, it was all he could do to make it in the house. DOWN.

May:  May is a month we would mostly be fine with erasing from our history. Dan spent the whole month sitting in one position. It was the only way he could exist.  Standing, sitting normally, laying down, or walking were not options.  DOWN! Like I said, it was a month we would be just fine forgetting.  Dan spent a lot of time at hospitals, in MRI tubes, and having numerous injections in his spine. We learned that he had two inflamed discs that were pinching his sciatic nerve. DOWN! He was in severe pain 24/7, and highly medicated.  I learned really quickly that not only Dan, but I would be in big trouble if this became permanent. A big guy like Dan the Man is impossible for me to carry!  Pushing him in a wheelchair was even a bit of a challenge. DOWN! There was a lot of praying happening this month! Thanks to all of you who were doing all of that praying!  UP!  On a brighter note, I had fun watching granddaughter, Daci on the soccer field on Saturdays.  UP!  Another UP in May is that I was called as a temple worker in the Provo Temple. It was a huge blessing to me and really renewed my faith and filled me with the Spirit during a difficult month for our family.  Dan and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary.  Keep in mind it was celebrated with him on the couch with a stack of pillows to lean on. Very romantic (UP and DOWN).

June:  On June 1, because Dan couldn't work with his back injuries, he was let go from his new job.  It seemed more than a little unfair, but after consulting with some legal counsel, we decided that legal action wasn't worth persuing.  DOWN.  Dawson returned home from his 2-year mission for our church in Sydney, Australia on June 3 (Dan's birthday). UP!  Dan set a goal to be able to be at the airport to greet him.  When walking from the couch to the bathroom was still a huge accomplishment, this really was a really BIG goal.  We had a family fast, in addition to all of the prayers that were being said.  He did it!  It wasn't easy. It took a TON of time to get him from the car into the airport, and we brought a portable chair that he had to sit in once we got into the building, but he did it!  He was able to be there to watch Dawson arrive and enjoy the celebration. He even stood up long enough for a few photos. UP!  Having Dawson home after 2 years was a definite UP!  Three days later, Rick and Kori welcomed their 4 child, Stade Justus Roberts.  He is a keeper!  Dan began improving and by the end of June was functioning...albeit slowly and very carefully.  He was walking, attending church, and had begun interviewing to find a new job. UP! Dawson also found a great full-time job that would allow him to work through December and save for school. He'll be attending Southern Utah University, just like the rest of the family has, beginning in January. UP!

Dawson's return on June 3
There's nothing quite like that first hug after 2 years!
Stade joins the Roberts Family

July:  Dan's health continued to improve and he found a new job! UP! He is working in sales for Vivint Solar.  He likes his job and is doing very well. He is leading the inside sales force in sales. UP!  I headed for Anaheim for the Close To My Heart North American Convention, where I enjoyed presenting again. UP!  My team was awarded #2 in team sales!  UP! I returned just in time to help my parents host my dad's family reunion. It was so much fun to see family I haven't seen in years! UP!

August: August was a pretty low key month.  UP! We needed a break!  I was invited to serve on the Close To My Heart Product Development Committee this month and enjoyed that immensely. UP!  Granddaughter Sage turned 2. UP!

September: Football season began!  UP!  Tannon spent 2015 as a sophomore being the back up quarterback.  Our starter was a senior, so we are hoping to see Tannon leading the team in 2016.  Tannon did get a lot of playing time and even scored his first collegiate TD. UP!  Tannon decided to grow a lucky beard this year. He began as the season began and that beard stayed with him right up until the end.  Whether that was an UP or a DOWN depends on who you ask (Brookley would definitely say DOWN). Easton, Daysha and Sage finished their training in Minnesota and received their territory here in Utah. They moved back the end of the month. UP!  They are currently living in Saratoga Springs, UT.  Daysha quickly got some jobs doing dance choreography and Easton dived right into his job selling corporate insurance for Federated Insurance Company.

Easton, Daysha and Sage (and baby #2 on the way)

October:  Football season continued.  Tannon and the Southern Utah Thunderbirds continued to dominate in their conference.  UP!  Brookley, in addition to her coaching gymnastics at SUU, was offered a job in the Athletics Department doing marketing. She is loving it. UP!
Tannon's first collegiate TD
Tannon and Brookley after one of SUU's many wins this year

November:  Dan and I, Dawson and Brookley took a little trip to Montana to watch Tannon and SUU take on Montana State.  It was nice of them to win for us after the drive!  UP! Football season ended with SUU winning their Big Sky Conference Championship, and being ranked #16 in the country (UP) and opening the FCS playoffs in Houston, TX against Sam Houston State the day after Thanksgiving. Sadly, that ended in a loss, which ended their season (DOWN), but which mean Tannon's lucky beard could come off. UP!  I was invited to present in a 2-day live streaming event for Creative Live, so I hopped on a plan to Seattle and had a blast doing it. UP!  Rick took up Pickle Ball this year and he and his doubles partner are tearing up every tournament they enter. UP!
arriving with my cohorts at CreativeLive and getting ready for 2 days of live-streaming presentations

December:  Dan received a promotion at work. UP!  Although he loves what he is doing at Vivint Solar, it has been a big step down financially.  He'd love to stay there and continue what he's doing, but we really need to have his income improve.  As a result, we are always looking.  If you know of anything great, please let us know!  This has been a month of preparing for and enjoying the holidays.  We love time spent with family and friends.  That is truly what its all about.  UP!

We are anxiously awaiting the birth of grandbaby #6. Easton and Daysha will be welcoming her into the world in January.   We are looking forward to a 2016 filled with a large majority of UPS!  But, whatever happens, we'll keep the "Come what may, and love it!" motto!  We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a joyous 2016!  May the love of the Savior, who we celebrate this time of year and ALWAYS, be felt in your lives.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Easter Egg Coloring Layout with the December Stamp of the Month

I know that the Christmas holidays are just around the corner, but the December Stamp of the Month was PERFECT for photos of coloring eggs with some of the grandkids at Easter that I hadn't scrapped yet. Those jars were just right to "fill" with egg dye and use as the major accent to this layout.  I created the look of egg dye by stamping my jars on watercolor paper with the black memento ink pad, then using my paint brushes, a bit of water, and our wonderful watercolor paints to "color" them in.  Be sure that when watercoloring, you stamp your images with the memento pad. It is perfect for projects that involve water. It stays put perfectly!

Remember that the December Stamp of the Month (Candlelight Garden) is only available this month and is only $5 ($12.95 savings) with every $50 you order (before shipping and tax). Order $100, get 2...and so on.  When ordering on my website, you'll be prompted to add your set(s) before you check out.  We are 2/3 of the way through this month, so be sure to get yours while you can!

Here are a few detail shots of the layout.  I have also included a products used list, complete with links and photos for your convenience, at the end of this post.

Mason jar detail

Title made with and

In my opinion, the journaling on a layout is as important as the photos.  I try really hard to not only record the date and who was present, but memories of the day.  I want to include things that when I go back to read (or my family, generations in the future) help me have the same feelings I had on the day it happened.

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